Have you subscribed to the Digital Health CRC newsletter? Don’t miss an issue; subscribe here: https://bit.ly/dhcrcNEWS

Check out ‘Checkup‘ to find out what we’ve been up to.

This issue features a message from our interim CEO, details about exciting new programs underway (including a new project to assess the digital health baseline in Queensland) and an update on our Telehealth Hub, where we have released a new group of resources about Tele-trials, which will make clinical trials more accessible.

News about our participants includes an opportunity for an industry partner to join a fascinating project to enable telehealth to be used for autism diagnoses. You’ll meet our new DHCRC Education Coordinator Neil Taplin and hear from Alan Robertson, one of our new PhD students who has been awarded for his breakthrough in making genomics data more accessible.

The full newsletter can be read here: mailchi.mp/digitalhealthcrc/checkup-dhcrc-06?